20 Jan UN Retract Goldstone
Richard Goldstone admitted that the infamous UN report bearing his name was skewed against Israel from the start and wrongly accused the Jewish State of war crimes in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza. Goldstone admitted, “If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.” It took two years for Goldstone to realize that an investigation which was being led by committee members who had publicly proclaimed Israel’s guilt before the inquiry started might be biased. And it recently dawned on this respected jurist that “asking Hamas [a terrorist organization committed to the destruction of Israel] to investigate [its targeting of civilians] may have been a mistaken enterprise.” What took him so long?
The Goldstone Commission, part of long series of biased, one-sided actions taken by the U.N. Human Rights Council, has caused irreparable harm to Israel and other democracies who need to defend themselves in asymmetrical warfare against terrorists hiding among civilians. The Goldstone Report set forth a vicious campaign to demonize, de-legitimize, boycott, and isolate Israel.
Now that its author has recanted, one would expect an apology from the UN. Not so fast. The United Nations may use the Goldstone Report as justification to officially recognize a Palestinian state, which could place Israel in the position of occupying lands belonging to a sovereign state and member of the United Nations.
Fortunately, members of the U.S. Congress, notably members of the Illinois delegation, are taking the lead on righting this grievous wrong.
H.R. 1501 Forcing U.S. to formally retract Goldstone Report
Illinois Rep. Joe Walsh ideveloped H.R. 1501, legislation http://www.juf.org/pdf/ealert/walsh.pdf aimed at forcing the UN to formally retract the Goldstone report and acknowledge that it has not been an honest broker in the Middle East.
H.R.1501 : To withhold United States contributions to the United Nations until the United Nations formally retracts the final report of the “United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict”.
Cosponsors (40)
Illinois Rep. Robert Dold delivered a speech on the floor of the House urging fellow members of Congress “to inform the UN and the members of the Goldstone Commission to reconsider its own report; to block future UN actions based on its falsehoods; and to expeditiously introduce a measure properly exonerating Israel
Rep. Elliot Engle (NY-17th) said he will personally make a request to that end to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and US Ambassador take action to retract the report.
Rep. Gary Ackerman (FL-5th), issued a blistering statement to Ban Ki Moon, the Secretary General of the United “The UN Human Rights Council must come to grips with the reality that they sponsored and promulgated a massive slander against the State of Israel, and that they have a tremendous responsibility to own up to their error, and to make effective restitution to Israel for the unjustified harm done to Israel’s security, and international standing.”
Read the full statement