Jewish conspiracy theories are nothing new. Facts and truth are irrelevant. We have heard it all before: Jews are master conspirators plotting for world domination, they have secret powers, and they lust for blood, especially the blood of children.

These conspiracy theories provide a simple single-source explanation for a host of problems. Who was behind the Red Menace of Communism, the shortcomings of Capitalism, the 1929 Wall Street crash, the AIDS epidemic, the 9/11 attacks? No brainer. Jews.

Directing blame toward the all-powerful mythical Jews/Israeli also diverts attention from tyrannical regimes who plunder their own people. Yasser Arafat pointed with rage at the “Zionist entity” to prevent his own people from noticing the billions in booty that was finding its way into his Swiss bank accounts. Similarly, Yemen’s President Saleh blamed Israel for all Arab world unrest.

New spins on Jewish conspiracies are alive and entering the mainstream mindset in the Middle East. Israel has been accused of injecting Palestinian children with the HIV virus, of spreading mad cow disease to Palestinians through chocolates, of killing Arab children to get their organs, and of flooding Egyptian markets with chewing gum that arouses and morally corrupts women.

The accusations have become so outrageously crazy that they should make sane people laugh even as they shudder. The sad and dangerous result, however, is these crazy accusations provide further “proof” and “justification” for the baseless hatred in many quarters for Jews and Israel.

Send us a CONSPIRANUT AWARD contender (with the source for the conspiracy). The person who submits the “WINNING CONSPIRACY” theory will receive a copy of Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Mitchell Bard.

Send your CONSPIRANUT contender
(with the url for the source) to [email protected]

Hezbollah “news” claims Netanyahu comes from the Sudan!
Posted: 24 Sep 2011 05:03 PM PDT

The Al Manar network that is run by Hezbollah has a scoop!

It says that Israel’s Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, was actually born in northern Sudan. His real name, we are told, is Attallah Abdul Rahman al-Shaul, and his family owned large amount of land there and were prominent in import/export. They fled the Sudan when Jaafar Nimieri took over the country in 1969 and he went to Israel.

The article says that Netanyahu was 15 when his family moved, although it also says (accurately) that he was born in 1949; Nimieri took over Sudan in 1969.

It also says that his knowledge of Arabic and Nubian came in handy as he joined the IDF.

Now you know!

24-Hour Hot-Dog Hotel Vendor Discovers Homosexual, Jewish Conspiracy
N.Y.  vendor rants about conspiracy by “homosexuals”
“Jewish people,” ignorant bureaucrats, “rich people” and freebie-seeking doormen.”
Read more

Aerial Agent Detained as Mossad Spy

Saudi media  reported that a vulture tagged with the words “Tel Aviv University” had been detained for being a Mossad spy.


Squirrelly Spy Spotted by Iran

Iran’s state-sponsored news agency IRNA reported. “In recent weeks, intelligence operatives have arrested 14 squirrels within Iran’s borders,” state-sponsored news agency IRNA reported. “The squirrels were carrying spy gear of foreign agencies, and were stopped before they could act, thanks to the alertness of our intelligence services.”


IDF-Trained Rats

Palestinian news agency Wafa claimed that Israel had released poison-resistant rats in the Old City of Jerusalem to drive Arab families out of the holy city. The rats were apparently so cleverly trained that they could distinguish between the Arabs and Jews who live in Jerusalem.



Steven Colbert exposes Zionist-trained sharks which attack Egyptian swimmers.

HOTAIR.COM reports on the new Comic Hero, Foreskin Man.

You have to wonder very seriously if these people are insane.

The San Diego-based group that is laboring to get circumcision banned in San Francisco has perpetrated a comic book.  In it, a superhero named Foreskin Man saves a baby boy from being circumcised by the evil Monster Mohel, a vicious-looking Orthodox Jewish rabbi who could have been drawn by an acolyte of Joseph Goebbels.

Indeed, Foreskin Man has a distinctly Hitlerian “Aryan” look to him.

It’s crystal clear from the dialogue that the perpetrator of this literary opus intends to depict the Judaic religious view of circumcision as evil and repulsive.  The “comic” hauls out every theme of Jew hatred in the arsenal.



F.B.I. Agents really Mossad in Disguise
“It was discovered or published that a lot of the interviews that Muslims believed they were going into with the FBI, it turns out it wasn’t with the FBI at all,” Lamis Deek said in her presentation to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). “Guess who it was? Mossad, Israeli intelligence in New York and New Jersey.”

In her remarks, Deek indicated the reports, based on anonymous sources, are proof that an Israeli conspiracy is playing out in America.

Contributed by Cheryl Lewin

P.E.P.S.IThe Secret Zionist Letter Conspiracy

A Mullah Explains
“It was discovered or published that a lot of the interviews that Muslims believed they were going into with the FBI, it turns out it wasn’t with the FBI at all,”  in her presentation to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). “Guess who it was? Mossad, Israeli intelligence in New York and New Jersey.”what the letters really mean.

Contributed by Susan Frost 

“It was discovered or published that a lot of the interviews that Muslims believed they were going into with the FBI, it turns out it wasn’t with the FBI at all,”  in her presentation to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). “Guess who it was? Mossad, Israeli intelligence in New York and New Jersey.”